
Exploring African Non-military Conflict Intervention Practices: 2nd ANCIP Workshop

From 25th to 27th January 2023, the ANCIP research project held its 2nd workshop in Leipzig, Germany in order to evaluate the first phase of field research at the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and to plan the second year of the project. The workshop was specifically designed for ANCIP project members and provided a great opportunity to present and discuss the progress of their sub-projects.

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First Research Stay at the African Union

From mid-October to the end of November, the ANCIP researchers Camille Vern, S. Elisabeth Warnck (ReCentGlobe, University of Leipzig) and Jonas Schaaf (PRIF) conducted research at the African Union (AU) in Addis Ababa. Setting continental frameworks for peace and security, the AU represents a key actor investigated by the ANCIP network. The goal of this first trip to the AU Headquarters was to provide an empirical foundation for the subprojects on which to build our subsequent analyses. In doing so, we engaged with a variety of actors working on site to explore their practices in the context of non-military interventions by the AU.

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Abstract image of three stripes that swirl through the image.

Talking about “Maps and mappings in knowledge production on conflict and intervention” at the 7th annual SFB conference

From 27th to 29th September 2022, the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 1199 held its 7th annual conference on “Mediating Spatial Imaginations” at Leipzig University, Germany. One of the conference panels was chaired by the two ANCIP team members Ulf Engel (CRC 1199 & Leipzig University) and Skollan Elisabeth Warnck (Leipzig University). Their panel on “Maps and mappings in knowledge production on conflict and intervention” delved into the use of cartographic maps and ‘mappings’ in broader terms, with a focus on case studies of conflict and intervention mappings, both military and non-military. It featured three talks from Deniz Cil (University of Maryland), Steven Radil (US Air Force Academy), and Skollan Elisabeth Warnck (Leipzig University). The panelists discussed how maps can be used to represent and analyze conflicts, as well as the challenges and limitations of using mapping in this context.

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ANCIP Kick-off Workshop in Frankfurt

On 11 and 12 July, the ANCIP network met for its first internal project workshop in Frankfurt am Main. During the workshop, ANCIP members presented the research plans and state of the art for each of the seven subprojects. In addition to that, we also discussed topics around field research and access to data around African non-military interventions which served to prepare the first field research phases taking place in the second half of 2022. A central theme of the ANCIP network is the joint work on a database on African non-military conflict intervention practices. The workshop therefore also helped to define a common vision for that databased and to identify how the different subprojects can contribute to it.

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Reconsidering African Union / ECOWAS responses to UCGs: The recent wave of coups d’état in Africa

On April 18, 2022, the newly established ANCIP research project kickstarted its work with an insightful roundtable discussion on the recent wave of unconstitutional changes of government in Africa. The panelists were the principal investigators of the newly founded ANCIP project, Prof. Dr. Ulf Engel (University Leipzig), Dr. Antonia Witt (Senior Researcher at PRIF, Frankfurt) and Prof. Christof Hartmann (Director of INEF, Duisburg-Essen), and Ambassador Said Djinnit. The roundtable was part of the annual conference of the ReCentGlobe at Leipzig University and was followed by an international audience both online and in-person with great interest.

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