project description

Project no 7

  Project no 7      Name   The Political Economy of Non-Military Conflict Intervention Practices by Regional Organizations in Africa   Location    Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden (INEF)     Researchers   Mona Saleh       Publications more to come! Institute Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden (INEF) Resources Click here The Political Economy […]

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Project no 6

  Project no 6      Name   Civil Society   Location    Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF)     Researchers   Jonas Schaaf     Publications more to come! Institute Peace Research Institute Frankfurt Resources First Research Stay at the African Union Image: IWD 2016 Mali Bamako, by UN Women, licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

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The pucture shows an empty space under a tree in Ghana with a person in a red dress in the background.

Project no 5

  Project no 5      Name   Regional Infrastructures for Peace   Location    Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden (INEF)     Researchers   Jasmin Schmitz       Publications more to come! Institute Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden (INEF) Resources Research Stay in Ghana Regional Infrastructures for Peace This sub-project of the ANCIP-network explores

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Project no 4

  Project no 4      Name   Understanding the practices of African Special Envoys   Location    Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF)     Researchers   Dimpho Deleglise       Publications Deleglise, Dimpho (2024): African Special Envoys In Practice: A Research Agenda For Studying Complex Diplomatic Interventions, PRIF Report 3/2024, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2403 Deleglise,

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Picture of an entrance to the African Union compound. The picture shows a road on the left and a little footpath in the centre of the picture both leading up to a wall with a doorpost. On the right multiple flags of african states are visible.

Project no 2

  Project no 2      Name   ANCIP Portal   Location    ReCentGlobe Institute, Leipzig University     Researchers   Skollan Elisabeth Warnck & Vincent Joshua Schober       Publications & Presentations Publications: Herpolsheimer, J., & Warnck, S. E. (2020). Mapping Intervention Practices of ECOWAS and the African Union: Methodological and Practical Challenges (ReCentGlobe

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Project no 3

  Project no 3         Name   The Panel of the Wise of the African Union.An empirical reconstruction of non-military intervention practices   Location    ReCentGlobe Institute, Leipzig University     Researchers   Camille Vern       Publications more to come! Institute Research Centre Global Dynamics, Leipzig University Resources First Research

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