

New Report by Dimpho Deleglise on Special Envoys

In recent years, peace missions by the African Union (AU) and various African regional organizations have increasingly relied on the use of special envoys. These envoys are tasked with advancing peace processes in conflict-prone regions, aiming to strengthen African and local solutions over international interventions. However, the diplomatic interventions conducted by African special envoys have been insufficiently explored in academic research. The practical implementation of these interventions, as well as the necessary social, institutional, and contextual conditions for their success, remain underexplored.

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Onyinye Nkechi Onwuka on the left talking to Camille Vern (ANCIP) on the right in a conference situation.

Research Stay at African Union Headquarters, Camille Vern

Camille Vern, research fellow and PhD candidate at ANCIP, conducted research at the headquarters of the African Union from the beginning of August until the end of November 2023. During her time in Addis Ababa, she met with relevant stakeholders at the AU, experts on mediation and preventive diplomacy, as well as representatives of partners of the continental institution.

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Gilbert Khadiagala, ANCIP Fellow at PRIF – A Brief Report on Activities

At the invitation of Dr. Antonia Witt, I was privileged to spend two months (June to July 2023) as a visiting research professor at PRIF.

The visit allowed me to interact with PRIF staff and conduct research in three main areas: mediation of African conflicts by retired presidents; assess the mediation initiative by African presidents in the Russia-Ukraine conflict (June 2023); and co-author a policy brief with Dr. Dimpho Deleglise, a PRIF fellow, on the implementation of peace agreements in Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and Ethiopia

Gilbert Khadiagala, ANCIP Fellow at PRIF – A Brief Report on Activities Read More »

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