- The African Union’s Panel of the Wise: an unfulfilled promise?
- The African Union’s conflict early warning system is no more. What now?
- Researching the Inner Life of the African Peace and Security Architecture
- Yearbook on the African Union Volume 1 (2020)
- Beyond formal powers: Understanding the African Union’s authority on the ground
- Undoing Coups
- Mapping Intervention Practices of ECOWAS and the African Union: Methodological and Practical Challenges
- Yearbook on the African Union Volume 2 (2021)
- Pan-Africanism remains a dream – 4 key issues the African Union must tackle
- Panafricanisme : 4 questions clés auxquelles l’Union africaine doit s’attaquer
- African countries organised for 60 years: Why the Global Importance of the African Union (AU) is Growing
- AU and G20: membership will give Africa more say on global issues – if it speaks with one voice
- Yearbook on the African Union Volume 3 (2022)
- Potentially Vital AU Meeting on Tigray Leaves Communities of Interest in the Dark
- African Special Envoys In Practice: A Research Agenda For Studying Complex Diplomatic Interventions
- Bringing women to the table. The evolution of FemWise-Africa
- Secretariats and staff of African international organizations
- (Re-)Thinking African Regional Organizations’ Non-military Conflict Intervention Practices through Re-iterative Data Modeling