Ntunji Chella (Training and Development Officer at the Zambian Police Service) talking to Camille Vern (ANCIP) at Challenges Annual Forum 2023
Research Stay at African Union Headquarters
Camille Vern, research fellow and PhD candidate at ANCIP, conducted research at the headquarters of the African Union from the beginning of August until the end of November 2023. During her time in Addis Ababa, she met with relevant stakeholders at the AU, experts on mediation and preventive diplomacy, as well as representatives of partners of the continental institution.
Being based in the Ethiopian and diplomatic capital, Camille was able to attend events and conferences like the Challenges Annual Forum 2023, held in Addis Ababa on the 26-27 October under the topic “Towards Stronger Global-Regional Peace & Security Partnerships”. Joining high-level panels and discussions, as well as a working group on strategic coherence of global, regional and sub-regional peace operations, reflecting on lessons learned from the SADC mission SAMIM in Mozambique, she got insights into regional peacekeeping and challenges faced by regional and continental organizations in Africa.
Research Stay at African Union Headquarters
August – November, 2023
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia