Highlights from the 3rd ANCIP Workshop
A workshop with: Dimpho Deleglise (Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF)), Ulf Engel (Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe), Leipzig University), Christof Hartmann (Institute for Development and Peace (INEF), University of Duisburg-Essen), Gilbert Khadiagala (University of Witwatersrand), Mona Saleh (INEF), Jonas Schaaf (PRIF), Jasmin Schmitz (INEF), Vincent Joshua Schober (ReCentGlobe), Camille Vern (ReCentGlobe), Skollan Elisabeth Warnck (ReCentGlobe) & Antonia Witt (PRIF)
The 3rd ANCIP Workshop, held from July 12 to 14, 2023, in Duisburg, was a significant step for the project. Hosted by the Institute for Development and Peace (INEF) at Duisburg-Essen University, this workshop provided a platform for project members to share their research findings, exchange insights, and strategically plan for the future.
Day One – Wednesday, July 12, 2023
The workshop began with presentations that highlighted the outcomes of recent fieldwork endeavors. Jasmin Schmitz and Mona Saleh presented their findings from research visits to the ECOWAS headquarters in Abuja, conducted between March and April 2023, along with Dimpho Deleglise’s research at the African Union HQ in May 2023. These presentations provided a valuable platform for researchers to communicate their fieldwork experiences, sharing lessons learned and best practices within the collaborative group.
The day concluded with a thought-provoking and insightful discussion session on research positionality. This engaging dialogue explored how individual perspectives and identities shape our academic output.
Day Two – Thursday, July 13, 2023
The second day began with presentations spotlighting thematic sub-projects. Skollan Elisabeth Warnck, Camille Vern, and Dimpho Deleglise shared updates on progress, accomplishments, challenges, and upcoming steps. Morning discussions continued with updates from Jasmin Schmitz, Jonas Schaaf, and Mona Saleh, providing insights into the status and advancement of their respective projects. Vibrant dialogues complemented these discussions during sub-project presentations, where participants offered feedback, particularly regarding the challenges researchers encounter.
A presentation from Gilbert Khadiagala, an esteemed expert in the field of mediation, enriched the afternoon session. His exploration into the role of African Elder Statesmen in Mediation provided a stimulating perspective. Prof. Khadiagala, the Jan Smuts Professor of International Relations at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, was a visiting scholar hosted within the ANCIP project at PRIF between June and July 2023.
This presentation transitioned into a hands-on brainstorming session, generating initial ideas for the first edited volume of the ANCIP project. The session facilitated robust discussions concerning the volume’s outline and thematic coverage.
Day Three – Friday, July 14, 2023
The final day was opened with a presentation by Vincent J. Schober, introducing Nodegoat, a web-based data management and visualization tool. This discussion was instrumental in dissecting the project’s digital infrastructure, covering the prospective dataset, potential visualization approaches, the ANCIP Website, and the overall data management strategy.
Looking Forward
The workshop concluded with discussions about future plans and the publication strategy, alongside participant reflections. The 3rd ANCIP Workshop represented a crucial moment, promoting collaboration and shaping the project’s path.