Exploring African Non-military Conflict Intervention Practices: Insights from the ANCIP Workshop
A workshop with: Dimpho Deleglise (Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF)), Ulf Engel (Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe), Leipzig University), Christof Hartmann (Institute for Development and Peace (INEF), University of Duisburg-Essen), Mona Saleh (INEF), Jonas Schaaf (PRIF), Jasmin Schmitz (INEF), Vincent Joshua Schober (ReCentGlobe), Camille Vern (ReCentGlobe), Skollan Elisabeth Warnck (ReCentGlobe) & Antonia Witt (PRIF)
From 25th to 27th January 2023, the ANCIP research project held its 2nd workshop in Leipzig, Germany in order to evaluate the first phase of field research at the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and to plan the second year of the project. The workshop was specifically designed for ANCIP project members and provided a great opportunity to present and discuss the progress of their sub-projects.
On the first day of the workshop, Dimpho Deleglise (PRIF) presented her sub-project on the social and institutional context behind ground operations of African Special Envoys. Her presentation was followed by a reading group discussion on “decolonizing peace and security research” aiming to reflect on the ways in which research can be conducted in a morally respectable way while being more sensitive to the lived experiences and perspectives of the people in African countries.
The second day of the workshop was dedicated to reports from field work at the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia presented by Jonas Schaaf (PRIF), Camille Vern (ReCentGlobe), and Skollan Elisabeth Warnck (ReCentGlobe). Following this, Mona Saleh (INEF) and Jasmin Schmitz (INEF) presented the status of their sub-projects regarding political economy and peace infrastructures, respectively. The day’s program also included a methodological reflection and research ethics session, as well as a discussion on fieldwork planning for 2023. In addition to the main workshop, an internal PI-Meeting was held by Antonia Witt (PRIF), Christof Hartmann (INEF), and Ulf Engel (ReCentGlobe).
On the third and final day of the workshop, Vincent Joshua Schober (ReCentGlobe) presented his work on building the ANCIP-website and online database of non-military interventions by the African Union (AU) and other sub-regional organizations.
Overall, the ANCIP workshop was a significant milestone for the project, since it provided a valuable platform for project members to collaborate, reflect, and share their progress. The workshop’s outcomes will encourage future research on behalf of the ANCIP team in the field of non-military interventions by regional actors in Africa.