Picture by: © Mohamed Ahmed

ANCIP Portal Presentation at Digital Humanities Day 2023

On December 4, 2023, the Ancip portal project participated in this year’s Digital Humanities Day at Leipzig University (DHDL’23). We presented a poster on “(Re-)Thinking African regional organizations’ non-military conflict intervention practices through re-iterative data modeling”. We discussed our process of database design and engaged in exciting and truly trans-disciplinary conversations. The DHDL is organized by the Forum for Digital Humanities Leipzig, together with the Library of the University of Leipzig, and the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities. It took place for the seventh time and included presentations and posters on diverse topics such as Chinese engineers, virtual museums, the cultural heritage of dance in the GDR, and mapping ambiguity in historical data.



Digital Humanities Day Leipzig 2023

4 December 2023
Albertina, Leipzig University, Germany
Forum Digital Humanities (FDHL)
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