Picture (c) Mona Saleh.
ANCIP at the MIASA Conference
From December 11–12, 2024, the Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa (MIASA)—under the College of Humanities at the University of Ghana and jointly funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the University of Ghana—hosted a conference titled “Dealing with Conflict, Preparing for Peace: Current Research and Its Policy Implications” at the University of Ghana. The event brought together researchers, policymakers, and various stakeholders to exchange ideas, present cutting-edge research, and discuss its policy relevance.
During the panel “African Regional Organizations and Ad Hoc Coalitions,” Mona Saleh presented her paper, “Unpacking ECOWAS–Donor Relationships through the Lens of Practice Theory.” She explored how donor partnerships affect the agency of African regional organizations like ECOWAS. Other contributors examined how the African Union supports peace agreements and how the Multinational Joint Task Force safeguards civilians. The discussion highlighted the promise of African-led coalitions while acknowledging the challenges of coordination and overlap.
Christof Hartmann served on the conference program selection committee and moderated the keynote delivered by Jana Krause (University of Oslo) on communal violence, social resilience, and local peacebuilding. The keynote offered fresh perspectives on integrating local knowledge and regional frameworks. Hartmann also acted as a chair and discussant on external responses to armed conflict and domestic perceptions, underscoring the need for multi-level collaboration.
Over the course of two days, participants addressed topics ranging from local peace initiatives and the gender dimensions of violence to climate-related security challenges. Overall, the conference showcased MIASA’s commitment to bridging academic research and policymaking, while also highlighting ANCIP’s contributions through panels and discussions that underscored the importance of African-led approaches.
By Mona Saleh.
Visit at INEF
December 11-12, 2024
MIASA conference, University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana