The picture shows the ANCIP team standing on stairs as a group at INEF in Duisburg.

Sixth ANCIP Workshop on Duisburg

In late January ANCIP held its sixth workshop, this time the network convened in Duisburg. The three days offered ANCIP fellows and PIs an opportunity for exchange on progress and challenges. As we did during the previous workshops, we also used the time spent together to provide each other with insights from field research. Also, our forthcoming edited volume was discussed.

The main focus of the workshop was the preparation for the transfer workshops, we carefully deliberated the sub-projects’ presentations. Based on our empirical findings we discussed how we understand African non-military conflict intervention practices and what are our main take-aways. As Dr. Emma Birikorang was a visiting fellow to INEF at that time, she supported our deliberation with her insights for which we are very grateful.


6th ANCIP Workshop

27 – 29 January 2025
University Duisburg-Essen, Germany
African Non-Military Conflict Intervention Practices (ANCIP)
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