Group Picture of the ANCIP Team in front of the Nicolaikirche in Leipzig on a sunny day.

Picture by © Jentje Zaal

5th ANCIP Project Workshop in Leipzig

The ANCIP team held its fifth network workshop in Leipzig, enjoying three sunny days around the beautiful Nikolaikirche. Like the previous times, these days spent together were a great opportunity to reconnect, exchange and plan the next steps of our project. We updated each other on our sub-projects, shared lessons learned from research stays and celebrated accepted conference participations.

The main focus of our meeting was to discuss our upcoming collective publication, an edited volume with chapters from each sub-project. Based on new empirical data and preliminary findings, we delved into conceptual debates, defining what an intervention can look like, and how to best understand the main actors and their role in the conflict situations investigated by our network. The edited volume will mirror our enriching exchange and discussions, situating ANCIP in current literature debates and adding a much-needed practice perspective on non-military conflict resolution.


5th ANCIP Workshop

July 15-17, 2024
Leipzig, Germany


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