4th ANCIP Project Workshop in Frankfurt
From 5-7 February 2024, the ANCIP network met for its fourth internal project workshop at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) in Frankfurt am Main. The workshop was mainly dedicated to presenting and discussing draft chapters for the first edited volume prepared by the ANCIP network, which is planned to be published in the first half of 2025. The discussions served to provide each author valuable feedback on their chapters and to create coherence for the book. In addition to that, three network members – Camille Vern, Dimpho Deleglise, and Jasmin Schmitz – presented reflections on their recently concluded field researches in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Ghana respectively. The joint discussion of field research experiences is a crucial methodological component of the ANCIP network, creating space to share first insights, reflect on methodological challenges, and provide mutual support. On the last day, the network members discussed upcoming ANCIP events and outputs – such as webinars and policy briefs – as well as progress made on the establishment of the ANCIP database and portal.
4th ANCIP Workshop
February 5-7, 2023
Frankfurt am Main, Germany